الأحد، 17 أبريل 2011

David Newton

David Newton

I've been drawing and painting since I was a small boy and used to spend hours scrawling with a biro on tatty rolls of paper my father brought home from work. Art rapidly became my favourite subject and, despite being treated as something of a joke lesson at secondary school, I went on to study A-Level Art & Design followed by a degree in Graphic Design and Illustration at university. Nearly twenty years on and I've worked as an in-house designer, a freelance cartoonist and illustrator, and a scenic artist. Design-wise, I don't think sitting in front of a computer for most of the working day was ever going to be my cup of tea, so, in recent years I've returned to my first love of painting, which is currently being strongly influenced by Art Nouveau. I've been lucky enough to see some fantastic art around the UK and Europe and only hope that people enjoy my work as much as I enjoy making it. Thanks for looking

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